CB Mic Keeper, Heavy Duty

sku: RT34112

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Product details

The Heavy Duty CB Mic Keeper has a higher retraction force; longer extension and higher spring cycle life then a Standard CB Mic Retractor.

This makes this unit ideal for the heavy duty user, heavy mics, construction vehicles or when extension to passenger compartment is required.

Includes 2 mounting options, and the adjustable Mic Lanyard.

Care and Storage Instructions

  • After use, wash in fresh water and allow to dry in a well ventilated area out of direct sunlight
  • Store in a well ventilated dry area away from direct sunlight


USE: CB microphone
LINE TYPE: Spectra/Nylon Line
EXTENSION: 42 inch
BREAK RATING: 80-lb Break Force
FORCE: 12-oz Retraction Force


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